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Baba선생님과Grace선생님의 한국여행기3

관리자 2013-08-17 10:29:40 조회 2159

Baba선생님과Grace선생님의 한국여행기3


I don’t want to get up from the bed, it’s so warm….but my mind is awake and I just keep on tossing and turning on the bed. Maybe a few more minutes…hmmm I’m still full from last night’s dinner. Will I have breakfast or not? The freshly baked breads from the bakery are irresistible…oh ok, I will have light breakfast today, no argument about that!

What a beautiful day! Bright and sunny, yet cold…I love this weather already! It’s a good day to walk around the block before breakfast. See the stores and small shops. Too many diners I would like to try but not much time to do it.

Today, I will be in Seoul again. There are too many places to see in Seoul! This time we take the bus straight to the city and it is a shorter trip.

First stop is the Gyeong Bok Palace. Many tourists are here. I am ready to walk more to have my much needed exercise! But of course, a lot of picture-taking with the beautiful structures and the palace guards too! Huge place! There’s even a museum inside!

It is past noon and we are ready for lunch! A special restaurant that serves Bibimbop is the choice for today! The lady server, knowing that I am a foreigner, is so kind to mix the Bibimbop for me. There was refill of the side dishes too! I’m enjoying the generous serving of food in Korea and I make sure I finish everything!

A long stroll of the city brings us to two massive statues of King Sejong and Admiral Yi,Sunshin. To my surprise, there is a very big museum underneath!!! Such an amazing tribute to such great heroes of Korea!

From the center of Seoul, we walk to a busy place popularly known as Myeongdong. I would say, the cosmetics capital, as there are cosmetic shops one after another! To my delight, each store gives a freebie, just to encourage people to go inside…I get several of them! More street foods around, of course I have to try the ice cream. Ice cream on a cold day is possible!!!

We have a special show to watch today as a treat from my student, “Cookin’Nanta”, which is a very entertaining show to highlight the Korean drumming, cooking and other special skills all wrapped-up in one funny performance. It was so much fun to watch it!
By the time I am out of the theatre, Myeongdong street is bustling with people. Vendors have set-up more goods to sell in the middle of the streets. Now I know why this is such a popular place to see!
Just when I thought the day is over, another sight to see at night is the Namsan Tower. It reminds me of the Space Needle in Seattle. Still there are a lot of people visiting the tower to enjoy the lights of Seoul at night!

A late dinner follows, and I am ready again to have a heavy meal of special chicken, tokboki and spicy noodles! End it with an ice cream sandwich for dessert. Another perfect day!

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이전 Baba선생님과Grace선생님의 한국여행기4 2013-08-17
다음 Baba선생님과Grace선생님의 한국여행기2 2013-08-17