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Moira 선생님 재미있었어요~!

Eun-seo Soh 2024-09-02 17:07:35 조회 222

My schedule got so busy that I only had two months of lessons, but Moira made it fun and laughing!
Her friendly atmosphere made me feel less intimidated when speaking English.
It's a really shame we only had a short time together. 
If I take Gym English again next time, I would definitely want to take it with Moira.

 jimenglishjim s0eunse0 님, 안녕하세요.

Moira 선생님과 즐겁게 수업하셨던 경험을 나눠주셔서 감사합니다.
짧은 두 달간의 수업이었지만 Moria 선생님과 많이 웃고 즐기셨던 것 같아서 매우 흐뭇한 마음입니다.

바쁜 와중에도 건강 잘 챙기시고 다시 뵙기를 바랍니다.

아래는 Moria 선생님에게 받은 답장입니다.

Thank you so much for your kind words, Ash! It has been a pleasure teaching you, and I’m proud of all the progress you’ve made.
Your dedication and positive attitude make teaching a joy.
I’m looking forward to seeing you in class again and continuing our journey together.
Best of luck with everything until we meet again! 

목록 수정 삭제

이전 등록된 글이 없습니다.  
다음 무례한 태도의 Diane 선생님 ????~(˙∇˙~) 2024-09-02