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Sheryl :)

LEEDAMKYUNG 2012-04-17 10:45:19 조회 1291
Hi, I think that I had a good choice. I began to know sheryl, my teacher, and I can speak english better than before. And I am so glad to talk with sheryl every morning. She was a good advisor, too.

It has an great effect on my speaking level to study with sheryl every morning for 30min on weekdays. That is what I really need for improving me.

And her kindness makes me up. She is a good friend. I think this program can make students improve their english and also make a friend or a advisor.

Thanks for all

by Diana

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이전 IELTS 준비하시는 학생분들께 Jet 선생님을 강력 추천합니다:) 2012-04-19
다음 무료 테스트를 마치고..(Jovie 선생님) 2012-04-17